Liz R

My time at the 11th Stephouse has been wonderful. Before I came here, I didn't know how to love myself. I also didn't know many things most functioning teens knew, along with how to cook and clean :). Being here, I have been introduced to the true meaning of love.

I have never felt more confident that I have here, because of all the positive affirmations being to me every day. Whenever I was sad, I was immediately comforted. Whenever I was made, I would find a way to work through it. I learned how to believe in myself, which is something I never thought I could do. I also learned how to live my life not using a substance every day. I thought my life would end doing drugs, but here this changed. I learned how to have fun. and experience joy without the use of drugs. I learned that's okay to have bad days, because those bad days will never come close to when I was using. I also formed a special bond with Mercedes and Linda. These 2 women have SAVED my life. I consider them my granddaughters, and I will call them that until I die. I have never had the support and love given to me like it was from them. They taught me that I am good enough, that I am strong enough, that I am wise enough to do whatever I wish to do. I truly believe if I hadn't met them, I woul be dead today. I wouldn't have fotten a life, and had a chance to make a difference.. That I can make a difference, and withou this house, and all the beautiful things that come with it, I wouldn't be here. I am forever changed, and I will never forget my time at this house. I can say I have choices today, and I can say I am free to be whatever I want, not what the drugs made me.